Mesin Giling Bumbu Rempah Penepung Mesin Penggiling Listrik Penggiling Tepung Mesin Giling Bumbu Kering

Mesin Giling Bumbu Rempah Penepung Mesin Penggiling Listrik Penggiling Tepung Mesin Giling Bumbu Kering

0 Ulasan 0 terjual, sisa 1
Rp 819,000
Ketersediaan : Tersedia
Telah Dilihat : 394 kali
Tag Produk : listrik elektronik
Layanan Estimasi Biaya


Mesin Giling Bumbu Rempah/ Penepung/ Spice Herb Grinder/ Electrical Powder Grinder

Mesin ini bisa digunakan untuk menggiling ramuan herbal kering dan juga untuk menghaluskan bumbu-bumbu dapur, seperti: lada, ketumbar, cabe kering, dll.

Cepat & Efisien: Menggiling berbagai jenis biji-bijian hingga halus dalam waktu singkat.

Electrical Powder Grinder
Kapasitas: 800g
Waktu kerja: 5 menit
Interval: 10 menit
Motor: motor tembaga penuh
Kecepatan motor: 28000r / mnt
Daya : 3000W
Berat: 4.2kg
Tegangan: 220V
Frekuensi: 60HZ
Tingkat penghancuran: 50-300 mesh

Anda dapat dengan mudah membersihkan sisa bubuk di dalam tabung dengan sikat dan kemudian menyeka bagian dalamnya dengan kain kering. (Tabung gerinda tidak dapat dilepas, jangan mencucinya dengan air secara langsung atau membilas dasar motor).

Isi Paket :
1 x Penggiling Makanan Kering Listrik

Tulis Ulasan


When you order from, you will receive a confirmation email. Once your order is shipped, you will be emailed the tracking information for your order's shipment. You can choose your preferred shipping method on the Order Information page during the checkout process.

The total time it takes to receive your order is shown below:


The total delivery time is calculated from the time your order is placed until the time it is delivered to you. Total delivery time is broken down into processing time and shipping time.

Processing time: The time it takes to prepare your item(s) to ship from our warehouse. This includes preparing your items, performing quality checks, and packing for shipment.

Shipping time: The time for your item(s) to tarvel from our warehouse to your destination.

Shipping from your local warehouse is significantly faster. Some charges may apply.

In addition, the transit time depends on where you're located and where your package comes from. If you want to know more information, please contact the customer service. We will settle your problem as soon as possible. Enjoy shopping!

Size Chart
Layanan Estimasi Biaya
Mesin Giling Bumbu Rempah Penepung Mesin Penggiling Listrik Penggiling Tepung Mesin Giling Bumbu Kering

Mesin Giling Bumbu Rempah Penepung Mesin Penggiling Listrik Penggiling Tepung Mesin Giling Bumbu Kering

Rp 819,000